raise some eyebrows 復習
記事の中で気になった表現は,"raise eyebrows"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)によると「<事・人が>人々をひどく驚かせる」という意味がありました。"eyebrow"が複数形になっていることに注意が必要だと思います。驚いた時にまゆを上げる人の動きから導かれた意味だと思います。(Ume)
Syria crisis: Russia and US military to hold talks on air strikes
There are serious questions about who exactly the Russian aircraft are targeting. US officials believe that the initial Russian strikes are not in IS-held territory, raising the possibility that Russian air power is being utilised more in the form of close air support for Syrian government forces against the multiple enemies of the Assad regime.
Of course, many of these enemies are supported by the West's Arab allies or Turkey. The warning time given by the Russians to the Americans announcing the start of their operations may also raise some eyebrows, suggesting that much more detailed co-ordination may be needed in future to avoid incidents in Syrian airspace.