常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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What the Future Looks Like for Youngest Recipient of Groundbreaking Dual Hand Transplant

The youngest recipient of a dual hand transplant may be through his surgery, but the real test of the transplant’s success may come as he starts to recover and gain use of his new hands.
Doctors are hopeful that the new hands for Zion Harvey, 8, will hold up during his lifetime, but they also acknowledged that he is in uncharted territory.


Other issues the boy might face include the immune system rejecting the tissue or possibly other long-term health consequences of being on immuno-suppressing drugs, Lee said. Zion was already on immuno-suppressants because he had a kidney transplant when he was younger, hospital officials noted.


今回取り上げるのは、“immuno-suppressant”という表現です。The Free Dictionary by FARLEXで調べてみると、“Suppression of the immune response, as by drugs or radiation, in order to prevent the rejection of grafts or transplants or to control autoimmune diseases. Also called immunodepression”という定義が載っていました。“immuno”は“immunology”などにもあるように“immune”「免疫(の)」を意味しており、“immuno-suppressant”で「免疫抑制剤(抑制薬)」を表しています(『ジーニアス英和辞典G4 大修館書店』)。