常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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Fifa corruption scandal: Blatter and Ali vie for presidency

"Let's show to the world that we are able to run this institution that is Fifa, that we can do that together."
Proceedings were briefly disrupted by two Palestinian demonstrators calling for Israel to be excluded from Fifa. They were ejected from the hall.
Secret ballot
Mr Blatter, 79, and Prince Ali, 39, will each have 15 minutes to address the delegates.
The 209 member football associations then vote individually in the ballot, which is secret.
In the first round, a candidate must get 140 votes - two-thirds - to win outright.
If that is not achieved, there will be a second round requiring a simple majority - whoever gets the most votes.


outright lie - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から