常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

bear with

Drew Houstonのcommencement addressの冒頭から。bearは様々な意味を持つ多義語ですが,bear with Aで「A〈人の話など〉に辛抱して耳を傾ける」という意味になります(『プログレッシブ英和中辞典』小学館)。同辞書にはIf you'll bear with me, all will become clear.(私の話におつきあいくだされば, すべて明らかになります)という用例がありましたが,本文同様に大抵bear with meという形で用いられるようです。また,英英辞書にもused to ask someone politely to wait while you find out information, finish what you are doing etc(LDOCE)とあることから,丁寧な言い回しだということがわかります。(Koyamamoto)

I've thought a lot about what's different about the life you're beginning today. I've thought about what I would do if I had to start all over again. What got you here was basically being smart and working hard. But nobody tells you that after today, the recipe for success changes. So what I want to do is give you a little cheat sheet, the one I would have loved to have had on my graduation day.
If you were to look at my cheat sheet, there wouldn't be a lot on it. There would be a tennis ball, a circle, and the number 30,000. I know this doesn't make any sense right now, but bear with me.