常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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U2のボノさんに関する記事です。Astroriverさん、ここのperの使い方について説明をお願いします。(Kawada, jr.)

This is why Bono always wears his sunglasses

Seen any recent photos of U2’s Bono without his sunglasses?

Yeah, neither have we.

And now, there’s an explanation. He’s not addicted to shades. Nor is he trying to be an annoying rock star who wears specs indoors.

The singer has glaucoma, he told British talk show host Graham Norton, per The Guardian.  It’s a condition that damages the eye’s optic nerve and can result in vision loss.

“This is a good place to explain to people that I’ve had glaucoma for the last 20 years. I have good treatments and I am going to be fine.”
