常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

stage 4


記事の中で拾う表現はstage 4です。これはガンの進行度を示し,stage 1からstage 4と数字が大きくなるにつれてその進行度合いが強まります。ガンの種類によってこの数字は微妙に違うものの,最後のstage 4はどの種類でも「末期ガンの段階」を意味し,同時に余命○○という宣告が医師よりなされる段階でもあります。なお,glioblastomaは,「脳腫瘍の一種で,神経膠腫の中でも最も悪性度が高い」ガンということです。とてもつらいニュースです。(Ume)

Terminally Ill 29-Year-Old Woman: Why I'm Choosing to Die on My Own Terms

For the past 29 years, Brittany Maynard has lived a fearless life – running half marathons, traveling through Southeast Asia for a year and even climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.

So, it's no surprise she is facing her death the same way.

On Monday, Maynard will launch an online video campaign with the nonprofit Compassion & Choices, an end-of-life choice advocacy organization, to fight for expanding Death with Dignity laws nationwide.

And on Nov. 1, Maynard, who in April was given six months to live, intends to end her own life with medication prescribed to her by her doctor; and she wants to make it clear it is NOT suicide.

"There is not a cell in my body that is suicidal or that wants to die," she tells PEOPLE in an exclusive interview. "I want to live. I wish there was a cure for my disease but there's not."

Maynard has a stage 4 glioblastoma, a malignant brain tumor.

"My glioblastoma is going to kill me, and that's out of my control," she says. "I've discussed withmany experts how I would die from it, and it's a terrible, terrible way to die. Being able to choose to go with dignity is less terrifying."

The campaign's six-minute video includes interviews with Brittany as well as her mother, Debbie Ziegler, and husband, Dan Diaz, 42.

