常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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noble gas

 記事の中で気になった単語は"noble gas"です。直訳すると「気高いガス」ですが,『Wisdom英和辞典第三版(三省堂)』を見ると「不活性ガス」という意味がありました。ODには,"Any of the gaseous elements helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon, occupying Group 0 (18) of the periodic table. They were long believed to be totally unreactive but compounds of xenon, krypton, and radon are now known."とあります。第18族元素に位置づけられており,科学的に不活性とあるため,化学反応が起きにくい性質をもつことがわかります。

Wada brings in ban on xenon and argon, but has no test

Doping experts have yet to find an effective test for athletes using xenon and argon, despite introducing a ban on the gases' use by sports stars.

The new ban has been ordered by the World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada), which runs drug testing across many sports.

It follows concerns that athletes were breathing these so-called noble gases to encourage the growth of red blood cells that boost stamina.

But despite being piloted, a valid test is not yet ready, the agency says.


不活性ガスとは何? Weblio辞書
第18族元素 - Wikipedia