常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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purse seine fishing


Japan sets catch ceilings to protect bluefin tuna

TOKYO (Kyodo) -- The Japanese Fisheries Agency on Tuesday set ceilings on Japan's catch of juvenile bluefin tuna by area to help restore the dwindling adult tuna stock in the Pacific Ocean, agency officials said.

The agency briefed a national meeting of fishermen in Tokyo on the measures and gained their broad consent to the first ceilings of their kind designed to halve the yearly catch to 4,007 tons in 2015 onward from the 2002-2004 average.

Of the 4,007 tons, 2,000 tons account for purse seine fishing by large and medium fishing boats and 2,007 tons for coastal fishing mainly by fixed nets.

Based on past tuna catches by area and targeting coastal fishing, the ceilings include 785 tons for the western part of the Kyushu main island in southwestern Japan, 410 tons for the northern Sea of Japan, 285 tons for the northern Pacific, 245 tons for the southern Pacific, 105 tons for the western Sea of Japan and 50 tons for the Seto Inland Sea.

The agency also told the meeting that it will issue warnings to the fishermen through local governments when their areas close in on their ceilings.


昔,水産関係の国際会議の通訳をしたときに覚えたフレーズ purse seine fishingに久しぶりに出会いました。