常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

data theft

ベネッセのデータ流失事件,「流失」(leak)と日本語では呼んでいるようですが(少なくとも各メディアは),英語ではdata theftと,よりストレートな表現になっています。おそらくは法律上の線引きが両者にはあるのでしょうが,ベネッセ自身,被害届けを提出しているので,実態は「消失」から次の段階の「盗難」へと進んでいるはずです。

先般,米人の(お金持ちの)知り合いが個人のID theft(個人情報盗難)の被害に遭ってしまいました。流失は流失なのですが,その規模と被害額の大きさのため彼は,刑事事件として被害届を提出し,何度も日米間を往復しています(本人確認のため。経費は自分持ち…Ah!)。

ID theftは今後とも日本でも拡大しそうな勢いです。便利さと引き換えで起きるリスク。ネット社会の処世術を身に付けないといけないようです。(UG)

Benesse struggling to deal with massive theft of private customer data

Education service provider Benesse Corporation is under fire after a large amount of customer data was stolen from the company’s private data banks. Since the news broke last week, the company has been struggling to identify the scope of the problem and how it occurred.

Benesse says that a part-time employee of a subcontractor with access to its database copied the names and addresses of at least 7.6 million customers, including info on children. The employee, who has not been publicly identified, is believed to have sold the info to advertising and other companies.

Benesse said its affiliate company Synform Co oversaw its database operations. However, it has now been learned that Synform outsourced some of its business to other companies, TBS reported. Police, who are investigating the leak as a case of data theft, said a systems engineer at one of the firms outsourced by Synform has admitted copying the data but claimed he had no idea it was Benesse data he was giving away.

Police said that the systems engineer was given the job at the end of last year and it was at that time that he began copying large amounts of private customer data through the end of January with the intention of selling it, TBS reported.
Police said the stolen data was sold at least twice before ending up with Tokushima company JustSystems Corp which used it to send ads to Benesse customers.

A JustSystems spokesman told a news conference that the firm was unaware it was buying stolen data and said it would erase the information from its database. However, Benesse has asked JustSystems not to do so, saying that data erasure will hamper its investigation into the trail of the stolen data.
