常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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複数の医師が,抗鬱剤利用の中止を求めております。記事によると,抗鬱剤には,大きな副作用があることが,統計的に言えるそうです。直近の10年間で,抗鬱剤を使用した人の33%が飛び降り自殺を試みているようです。また,感染症,喘息や心臓病などが増加したということも言えるそうです。記事の名で気になった単語は"ballistic"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版(三省堂』によると「弾道学の,激怒して」などという意味がありました。"go ballistic"で「激怒する」ということですね。(Ume)

Doctors Call: End Warning on Antidepressants or Risk Suicides

Mental health experts are calling on the Food and Drug Administration to remove its most severe label – the so-called “black box warning” -- on all categories of antidepressants because it has been “highly correlated” with a more than 33 percent jump in suicide attempts over the last decade as doctors and patients who could benefit from the drugs have shied away from using them.

A June study published in the BMJ backs up previous research that shows a link between fears about the use of antidepressants and young people taking their lives.

The data is “startling,” said Dr. Gene Beresin, executive director of The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds, which is affiliated with Massachusetts General Hospital.

“A black box warning means parents and doctors must be aware and monitor,” he told ABC News. “But that’s the next closest thing to prohibition."

“If an infection, asthma, or heart condition increased 30 percent over the last decade, the public would go ballistic,” said Beresin. “The FDA would have been under massive attack from all sectors of the population if any other medical condition escalated in this manner. … Everyone would be scrambling to reduce any and all possible risk factors.”


go ballistic - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から