常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

'CNN Effect'

天安門事件湾岸戦争などで一躍,その役割が注目されるようになったCNN。CNN effect(CNNのニュース映像によって、世論や外交が左右されること。--SPACE ALC)という表現もできたほど。もうカッコははずしても良いと思います。

今の学生は物心がついた時にはすでにCNNなどのglobal coverageがあったので,CNN effectと言ってもピンとこないかもしれませんが,ニュース史の中ではこれは画期的なことだったのですよ。


How covering June 4 Tiananmen Square crackdown kicked off 'CNN Effect'

The protests generated unparalleled international coverage, and became a defining moment in the Information Age. It was the first time a popular uprising in an authoritarian state was broadcast live across the globe.

According to Bernard Shaw, who anchored CNN's live round-the-clock coverage from Beijing for much of the crisis: "You could say that that was the beginning of the 'CNN effect'" -- the idea, which became widespread after
Tiananmen Square, that the immediacy of live TV news available 24 hours a day played a crucial role in influencing the behavior of key players during major crises.

The images from that time -- the Goddess of Democracy, the man in front of the tank -- became enduring symbols of popular resistance to injustice.

In the United States, the coverage of Tiananmen redefined the relationship between the press, public opinion, and foreign policy-making, and brought an end to the romance in Sino-American relations that had begun with Richard Nixon's trip in 1972.

To this day, the event and the images continue to shape international perceptions of the country.

It was no accident that at a U.S. Congressional hearing on Tiananmen in late May, lawmakers from both parties emphasized how the television coverage from 25 years ago had influenced popular views of China.
