『Wisdom英和辞典第三版(三省堂)』によると「嫌悪を催させて, 忌まわしい」などという意味がありました。副総理は,人類の権利に対する重大な事態であると述べております。宗教上の考え方との違いとはいえあまりにもひどい宣告であると思いました。(Ume)
David Cameron condemns Meriam Ibrahim death sentence in Sudan
Her Christian marriage, in 2011, has also been annulled and she has been sentenced to 100 lashes for adultery because her marriage was not valid under Islamic law.
Sudan has a majority Muslim population and Islamic law has been in force there since the 1980s.
Deputy prime minister Mr Clegg called the sentence "abhorrent" and said it was a "flagrant breach of international human rights".
"This case is a grave violation of the basic right and freedom to practise one's religion," he said.
Labour leader Mr Miliband said the incarceration of Ms Ibrahim was "utterly appalling and an abhorrent abuse of her human rights".
"Nobody should be persecuted because of the religion they practice or the person they fall in love with.
"I cannot imagine the suffering - both physical and emotional - that Meriam, her husband and their two young children must be going through," he said.
Former UK prime minister Tony Blair has also described the case as a "brutal and sickening distortion of faith".