昨日の混乱も覚めやらぬ中、日本版のNSCが決議されました。craftはすでにクラフトとして日本語に入っていますが、"to make or produce with care, skill, or ingenuity" (Webster)とあるように、ただ単に作るのではなく、「細かく念入りに作る」というのがポイントです。(UG)
Law enacted to create Japanese NSC
Parliament on Wednesday enacted a law to create a Japanese version of the U.S. National Security Council to give the prime minister's office greater power in crafting foreign and defense policies to tackle security threats in Asia.
The NSC, whose headquarters will be set up within the Cabinet Secretariat, is designed to bolster coordination and avoid sectionalism among the ministries and government agencies concerned.
Under the new framework, the prime minister will meet with the chief Cabinet secretary and the foreign and defense ministers twice a month to discuss a range of diplomacy and defense issues.