hemorrhaging subscriber
NTTドコモがアップル社のiPhoneを発売する見通しになったことが分かりました。両社は発売に向けて詰めの協議を進めているそうです。the Japan Times Onlineにあった記事からの引用です。
今回採り上げるのはhemorrhaging subscriberという表現です。過去にブログでUG先生が採り上げられていますが,hemorrhageは「出血」という意味の単語(『プログレッシブ英和中辞典』小学館)。そして,その他に「(人間資産の)国外流出」(『プログレッシブ英和中辞典』同上)という意味もあり,ここでは「ドコモから他社のスマートフォンへ乗り換える顧客」を表しています。(Koyamamoto)
DoCoMo said near deal to sell iPhones
NTT DoCoMo Inc. appears set to finally join its domestic archrivals and start providing Apple Inc.’s iPhone, with the carrier reportedly prepared to market the latest version that will be unveiled next week.
Major domestic media outlets, including NHK, the Asahi Shimbun and Nihon Keizai Shimbun, all reported Friday that DoCoMo plans to begin selling the new iPhone model later this month.
In a statement, DoCoMo only said that “we have not made any decision that can be disclosed at this point.”
Despite being the only non-iPhone provider among the nation’s three major mobile phone carriers, DoCoMo has the largest share of the domestic market, with more than 60 million subscribers. However, it has been unable to stop hemorrhaging subscribers to KDDI Corp. and Softbank Corp. because they each offer the iPhone, giving them a significant competitive edge.