Possible ricin-tainted letter sent to Sen. Wicker
Wicker said Tuesday evening there is an "ongoing investigation" and that he wants to thank law enforcement officials for keeping the Capitol complex safe. Senators were briefed on the matter in a closed-door meeting Tuesday night. Coming a day after two blasts killed three people and wounded more than 170 at the Boston Marathon, the ricin-tainted letter spurred renewed fears about terrorism, but there was no apparent connection between the letter and the bombing.
renewedには「<熱意・興味などが>回復〔増強〕した」「健康〔元気、力〕を取り戻した」という意味があります。(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第4版』大修館書店) この記事で使われているようにrenewedがfear「恐怖感」と共に使えることをおさえておきたいと思います。赤字部分は「よみがえった恐怖感に拍車をかけた」と訳せるのではないかと思いました。