Japan Todayに日本経済における女性の意義について書かれたエッセイがありました。countといえば「…を数え上げる, 数える」という意味がすぐに想起されますが,その他に自動詞で「(…の)価値がある, たいせつである」(『プログレッシブ英和中辞典』小学館)という意味があることは、みなさんご存じのことと思いますが、復習のつもりでアップをしておきます。ここでは「多様性が非常に重要な意味を持つ」と解釈できます。(Koyamamoto)
Japan's secret economic weapon: women
TOKYO —In next month’s general election, politicians—nearly all of them men—will make promises on what they will do to fix Japan’s economic morass. Very few of them will even mention women.
...“This is a management and growth strategy,” she said adding scandal-hit companies—including Olympus, which hid $1.7 billion of losses and Tokyo Electric Power, the operator of the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant—would have been better at dealing with their disasters if they had a more diverse senior management.
“When you try to manage crisis, create products or design services, diversity really counts,” she said.