常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。



fascinated, fascinationともにありふれたことばですが,Websterをみると,"to transfix and hold spellbound by an irresistible power"との定義があり,さらにbewitchという意味も昔はあったとあります。なるへそ,何だか分からない力に導かれ引き込まれるのが,fascinateの核だということが分かりました。


Teacher tried to dissuade Nobel winner Gurdon from science

Gurdon is fond of recalling that when he was 15, a tutor wrote in his school report that it would be a "total waste of time" if he followed a career in biology "and this whole idea should be immediately discouraged."
He has said he keeps the report above his desk "for my amusement."

His mother, though, had spotted that he was fascinated by the subject. "Even at school I used to grow thousands of caterpillars to make moths, to the intense annoyance of my tutor," Gurdon said in an interview several years ago.

"But I had a fascination for these things, and I think it was really she particularly who enabled me to switch from my education, which was completely nonscientific, into a scientific direction."
When it came to choose a career, his father wanted him to go into the army or banking.

"Fortunately for me, I was refused entry to the army for the national service, a piece of good luck," he recalled. "I was actually a competitive squash player at the time and rather fit, but the family doctor decided I was not suitable for the army and diagnosed my slight cold as bronchitis, and that eliminated any possibility, thank heavens, of entering the army as a career," he said.

He managed to win a place at Oxford University. His first intention had been to study classics, but the admissions tutor said he would grant him a place providing it was not in that subject. His postdoctorate thesis was on nuclear transplantation, the subject that has obsessed him throughout his career.

In 1971, he moved to Oxford's great rival, Cambridge, and in 1989 Gurdon started the prestigious Wellcome/CRC institute at the university.
