常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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U.S. takes new measures against yakuza

The United States have frozen the assets of Sumiyoshi-Kai clan, Japan’s second largest yakuza crime syndicate, and blocked their transactions with American entities.

It is the second time the Obama administration tries to disrupt yakuza’s activities in the U.S.

Sumiyoshi-Kai’s leader, Shigeo Nishiguchi, and the clan’s deputy, Hareaki Fukuda, are now on the U.S. Treasury’s list of persons with frozen assets.

In February, the United States have frozen financial assets of Japanese organized crime group Yamaguchi-gumi, following an order from last year of president Barrack Obama.

Obama issued an executive order in 2011 to “target and disrupt significant transnational criminal organizations”.
