常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


Counterfeit 500-yen coins circulating in Tokai


Depending on exchange rates, the Japanese 500 yen coin stands out as the world’s highest-valued coin in regular use, currently worth roughly double the UK’s two-pound coin.

The 500 yen coins began replacing 500 yen banknotes from 1982, but soon met with problems because of their close similarity in size and weight with South Korea’s 500-won coin (worth about one-tenth its value). The 500-won coins began flooding vending machines in Japan, forcing the mint to redesign its 500 yen coins from 2000.

This changeover required large expenditures by existing vending machine operators to recalibrate their machines.

But now another problem has surfaced. Friday (Aug 17) reports that from around late May, the Bank of Japan became aware of large numbers of counterfeit 500-yen coins circulating in the Nagoya area.

“They appear to have surfaced during pickups of the deposits from bank ATMs installed at supermarkets,” says a staff member of a security firm. “After we first noticed them, we notified the police, who took them away as material evidence.”

The phony coins first began appearing around 2010 in the Tokai area. They are described as being extremely well crafted, with the same weight and appearance of authentic coins.




余談ですが、数十年前に英語の先生方と学生を引率してロンドン大学(University College London)に行ったとき、帰国間際に学生が日本に小荷物を送るお手伝いをしました。英国系の郵便局(会社)でそれを頼むと、「空便(fast post)」か「船便」かをたずねてきます。

「船便で」を"By sea, please."と言って、窓口の女性はクスクスと笑っていました。by seaでも正しいわけですが、時流には合わなくなっていたのです。"By surface?"とゆっくりと発音する彼女の姿が印象的でした。(UG)