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crème de la crème

資生堂、気合いが入っていますね。3本のみの販売ということ。凄いことになるのでしょうね。当然ながらcrème de la crèmeという表現を思い起こしました。(UG)

Shiseido to release skincare cream priced over 1 million yen

A specially decorated skincare cream priced at over 1 million yen will be released by Shiseido Co., commemorating the 30th anniversary of the cosmetic giant's most luxurious line, "Cle de Peau Beaute."

The premium cream, named "La Creme," will go on sale on Sept. 21, with only three items available for customers at a price of 1.05 million yen each, Shiseido said on June 15. Each item contains 50 grams of skincare cream.

The product will come in a special container made of 30 layers of crystals and three platinum rings. The container is jointly produced by Shiseido and established French glassmaker Crystal Saint-Louis, which has a multitude of collectors.

The high-end cream will be unveiled in the "Espace Cle de Peau Beaute" area of the brand's flagship store in Tokyo's posh Ginza district. Shiseido will start accepting orders on Aug. 30, and hold a draw if there are more than three orders.

Commemorating the occasion, Shiseido will also release a 50-gram limited edition of the cream for 84,000 yen. The conventional model of the cream, containing 25 grams of cream, is priced at 52,500 yen.
