常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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名詞(数)+and counting

米アップルの「WWDC(世界開発者会議) 2012」が開催されました。ハードウエアの目玉はRetina(レティーナ)ディスプレイ対応のMacBook Proでした。iPhoneiPadに始まったアップルのディスプレイ高画素化戦略がいよいよコンピュータでもはじまります(購入します!)。

WWDCのその他の目玉を紹介する記事にあったのがand countingです。「〜超え,まだ増えている」という意味ですが、countingとすることで「増殖中」、「まだまだ増えているよ」という勢いを伝えることができます。使ってみたい表現です。(UG)

Thirty billion apps and counting

The event runs through Friday and is the company's first World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) since co-founder and longtime chief Steve Jobs died last fall.

As usual, Cook began the keynote with a batch of new stats about Apple's impressive growth. The App Store now has 400 million accounts -- the largest number of accounts with credit cards anywhere on the Internet, he said. Some 650,000 apps are now available.
"Customers have now downloaded an astounding 30 billion apps," Cook said.

Many observers had expected Apple to announce upgrades to its Apple TV, the little box that lets users stream movies and other content from iTunes to their televisions. Experts had said such a move could be a step towards Apple launching its own TV set. But Apple made no mention of its
TV product Monday.

Apple has sometimes used past WWDCs to unveil new iPhones. But because its most recent model, the iPhone 4S, launched only eight months ago, most observers don't expect the next one to come until the fall.
