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the Curia


The Curiaとは、全世界のローマ‐カトリック教会の行政およびバチカン市国統治の中央機関であるローマ教皇庁法王庁)のことです。(UG)

Pope Addresses 'Vatileaks' Scandal in General Audience

By Michael Gryboski , Christian Post Reporter
June 1, 2012|8:08 am

Pope Benedict XVI recently delivered a message in response to the scandal involving a Vatican butler who was arrested for stealing confidential documents from the Roman Catholic Church.
In his remarks on Wednesday, the Pontiff spoke about the "Vatileaks" scandal publicly for the first time since the news was reported, with the intention of reassuring Catholics.

"The events of recent days involving the Curia and my collaborators have brought sadness to my heart," said the pope at the close of the Vatican's general audience.

"However, I have never lost my firm certainty that, despite the weakness of man, despite difficulties and trials, the Church is guided by the Holy Spirit and the Lord will ensure she never lacks the help she needs to support her on her journey."

Benedict XVI attributed much of the problems regarding the scandal to "increasing conjecture, amplified by the communications media, which is entirely gratuitous" that "goes beyond the facts and presents a completely unrealistic image of the Holy See."

Over the past several months Paolo Gabriele, a butler who worked at the Pope's household, had been sneaking confident papal correspondence into the public domain. The documents showcased various internal power struggles within the Vatican hierarchy, as well as possible corruption.
