常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

do a double-take

季節限定のペプシが発売されます。7月24日から販売される『ペプシ ソルティーウォーターメロン』がそれです。

ここのdo a double-takeは、「(あれっ?と思って)見直す、もう一度確認する」という意味で、日常生活の中でよくある動作を表します。

さて季節限定品のペプシ。一昨年は、アフリカに古くから生育している「バオバブ」(Baobab)、昨年はカリブ海沿岸や中南米に生育する「ホワイトサポテ」(white sapote)が夏の限定バージョンとして発売されましたが、こうした果実は日本での認知度が低く、売り上げは今イチだったそうです。さて今度のSalty Watermelonはどうなることやら。(UG)

The newest in a line of seasonal limited edition Pepsi flavors has been announced by Japanese distributor Suntory. Set to debut on July 24, this is the red-colored Pepsi: Salty Watermelon. Hopefully this is as awesome as Pepsi: Pink was.

But after reading the announcement, I had to do a double-take. The watermelon’s salty?

Asking a friend, she confirmed that yes some people in parts of Japan put salt on watermelon to enhance the sweetness. Simultaneously intrigued and mildly put off, a quick Google check further blew my mind. Not only Japan, but in certain pockets all over the world, people are sprinkling salt on their watermelon – and it tastes great?

As widespread as it is, however, there also seem to be many like myself who have never heard of this trend, despite how delicious it is contrary to how it sounds. Pepsi has highlighted cultural flavors before. They had their African treat Pepsi: Baobab, and white sapote flavored Pepsi: Caribbean Gold, but never have they turned some of us on to something in our own backyards like this.
