常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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go up for auction

中高年以上には懐かしい映画「俺たちには明日はない」(1967)の題材となったアウトロー、Bonnie と Clydeの銃がオークションに出品されました。映画の原題はBONNIE AND CLYDE、これがなぜ、「俺たちには明日はない」となったのかは制作スタッフ(とくに翻訳者)に聞かないとわかりませんが、本作品のアメリカンニューシネマといわれる作品群では、それまでの勧善懲悪の視点を逆転したのが特徴でしたのでわからなくもないです。ともあれ面白い表現満載なので、語彙を増やしておきましょう。(ゼミ生 Pear

Bonnie and Clyde Shotgun and Sub-Machine Gun Up For Auction

April 13, 1933, five lawmen raided an apartment in Joplin, Mo. The small garage apartment at 3347½ Oak Ridge Drive was the hideout of the infamous “Barrow Gang,” and temporary home to Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow. A furious shootout injured two members of the gang and killed two police officers, but the gang escaped, once again a step ahead of the law.

However, police were able to collect items left behind by the group a camera with undeveloped photos of the bank-robbing duo, and at least two guns. The pictures, which included Clyde posing with his guns, Bonnie posing with a cigar, and Bonnie “disarming” Clyde in a mock arrest, were the first to identify the couple, and were widely publicized upon discovery.

This month, guns believed to be those seized in the raid, a .45 caliber Thompson sub-machine gun and a 12-gauge Winchester model 1897 shotgun, are going up for auction in Kansas City, Mo. Robert Mayo, of Mayo Auction & Realty, explained to ABC News the origin of the weapons, brought to him by Mark Lairmore. “[Lairmore's] great-grandfather, who was in law enforcement at the time, was given the two guns by another peace officer who had seized the weapons” in the raid, Mayo said.

Lairmore inherited the guns from his great-grandfather, and says he has no doubt the guns were used by Bonnie and Clyde. A few months before the Joplin raid, the pair kidnapped a young police officer who testified later that the duo “bragged to [him] about having stolen their Tommy gun in Ohio, and the serial number on [this] gun is the same as one that was once listed as stolen in Ohio,” Lairmore said.

Mayo says he can’t guess what the guns might go for, but notes the Thompson sub-machine gun is valuable regardless of the lore surrounding it.

“These guns are highly collectible and would draw attention in any sale by their own history and merit,” Mayo said. “The Winchester model 1897 is a coveted rifle.”

Still, he says this one is special. “This is the only time in my entire life I’ll have a chance to sell something like this – a Bonnie and Clyde machine gun.”