felt as strong and lasted as long as the first
Christchurchでまた余震が発生しました。今回のはかなりの揺れだったようです。関東では昨日だけでも有感地震が8回ありました。何事も起きなければよいのですが...。ところで記事のにあったこの言い回しが気になりました。GP先輩、解説をしてください。(ゼミ生 To To To)
Christchurch earthquake: 'Oh, here we go again'
By Newstalk ZB, APNZ and Herald Online
UPDATED3:43 PM Friday Dec 23, 2011
A 5.8-magnitude quake hit just before 1pm this afternoon, with another 5.3 aftershock reported at about 3.20pm. Christchurch City Councillor Aaron Keown said the second big quake today felt as strong and lasted as long as the first.
"I was just on the phone to my sister-in-law who is in Hoon Hay, and they had glasses coming off the shelves that time and they did not have that for the first one." nzherald.co.nz editor-in-chief Jeremy Rees said it felt like there was a lot of sideways motion during the second big aftershock. He saw plates falling off shelves at a store in Cashel Mall. He said people were in tears. Newstalk ZB reporter Juliette Sivertsen is in her home in Christchurch and said the second shake felt a lot stronger than the first. "Things have fallen off and crashed over in our house. We've got little children that we're trying to get under the door frame and into a safe place. It was really, really long, very violent and we are all really shaken up at the moment'', she said.