常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

Jilted lover haunts golfer

このゴシップ、日本のメディアはあつかっていませんよね。はやく知ることができるのも英語学徒の特権でしょうか?jiltedの原形は、ご存知のごとく、"to suddenly end a close romantic relationship with someone"(LDOCE)です。suddenlyが決め手になります。そこの君!心当たりはないかい?
ちなみにこの手の記事は和訳のいい練習になります。たとえば、to tell their side of a storyは「自分たちの言い分」などと「週刊◎◎」風に訳出してみると、こなれた訳のこつのようなものをつかむことができます。トライしてみてください。
しかしながら、in broken Englishという形容がやけに気になります。(UG)*PS またソースネタをばらしてしまった!
New Zealand's top golfer David Smail says a Japanese woman threatened his family after he ended their affair.
The Smails chose to speak to the Waikato Times to tell their side of a story about the woman who has threatened to ruin their marriage and Smail's life.
A remorseful Smail says when he repeatedly tried to end his affair with 27-year-old Sato Kurihara, she threatened her own life, his life, and also to expose the relationship to media outlets in both Japan and New Zealand.
However, Sheree Smail says she will stand by her husband and their 25-year relationship.
This week Miss Kurihara carried out one of her threats. She sent intimate images of the couple to news outlets including the Waikato Times. She told the newspaper she was prepared to send "about 2000" pictures and a sex tape to support her story. Smail, however, denies that she has 2000 pictures. In broken English, Miss Kurihara described the Hamilton golfer as New Zealand's version of serial adulterer Tiger Woods, but Smail also denies this saying he has had only one affair.