froth 復習
A bitcoin implosion could 'spill over' into stock market, warns Wells Fargo's Chris Harvey
If the cryptocurrency boom goes bust, Wells Fargo Securities believes stocks could easily get dragged into the chaos.
Christopher Harvey, the firm's head of equity strategy, is paying close attention to the unprecedented activity in what could be one of the most epic bubbles of all time.
"There is a significant amount of froth in the crypto markets. We do think that if that froth comes out, it will start to spillover," he warned recently on CNBC's "Trading Nation.” …
"What the market will have to contend with is EPS [earnings per share] peaking, ISM potentially peaking, you're going to have the yield-curve in all likelihood flattening ― and in addition to that, you'll likely have multiples start to compress, " Harvey said. "You're going to have to scratch and claw to stay afloat for it to break even.(Skip the rest)
今回取り上げる語は、froth /frˈɔːθ/ です。
まず意味を確認します。『ジーニアス英和大辞典』(大修館)をみると、「(1)泡、泡つば、<俗>ビール、ふわっと浮くもの、(2)おもしろいだけで内容・価値のないもの、(3)憤慨、いらだち」とあります。また動詞用法も存在し、同書によれば「泡を吹く、つばを吐きながら言う」という意味があり、“froth at the mouth” で「口から泡を吹く、ひどく怒る、興奮する」とありました。
次に語源を確認します。Oxford Dictionary of English (2nd Edition Revised)をみると、“late Middle English: from Old Norse frortha, frauth” とあります。
最後に froth と bubble の違いについて確認します。bubble は「泡」を表す単語で、froth の類語です。両者の違いは、WIKIDIFF をみると、“As nouns the difference between bubble and froth is that bubble is a spherically contained volume of air, especially one made from soapy liquid while froth is foam.” とあります。つまり、「石鹸のような泡」を bubble といい、「メレンゲのようなきめ細やかな泡」を froth といいことがわかります。(OkaUchi)