watchdog 復習
Listed Japan dislikes how investor watchdog looks over its shoulder
Japan's Financial Services Agency this year will begin encouraging large-lot investors to disclose how they voted on each proposal at annual shareholders meetings and the reasoning behind their votes.
The agency is trying to get a handle on the role played by proxy voting services that offer big investors recommendations on how to vote. Listed companies are not always happy with these recommendations.
『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版,大修館)で調べたところ、「[企業などの]監視人,お目付け役」、「番犬」と載っておりました。後者は少し古い言い方のようで、 “guard dog”の方が一般的のようです。Oxford Dictionary of English(Second Edition Reserved, Oxford University Press)によると、 “a person or group that monitors the practices of companies providing a particular service or utility”とのことでした。