U.S.-born Bao Bao gets 1-way ticket to China
The National Zoo is packing up its American-born panda cub Bao Bao for a one-way flight to China, where the 3-year-old will eventually join a panda breeding program.
The cub won’t have to worry about finding overhead bin space or dealing with a talkative seatmate on the 16-hour, nonstop flight Tuesday afternoon into Wednesday. She’ll be the only panda on the plane, traveling with a keeper and a veterinarian. Her accommodations are first class, too: a special metal crate the size of a double bed she can stretch out in. A sticker on its outside announces its contents: “one panda.”
In preparation for the trip, keepers have a packing list of Bao Bao’s favorite foods including: 55 pounds of bamboo, 5 pounds of apples and 2 pounds of sweet potatoes.
気になった表現はseatmateです。seatとmateに分けて考えると、なんとなく意味が想像できます。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で調べましたが見つからなかったため、電子辞書内蔵の『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第4版 大修館書店)で調べると、「(米)(乗物で)隣に座り合わせた人」とありました。
Merriam-Websterには “one with whom one shares a seat (as in a vehicle with double or paired seats)” と定義されています。
記事においては “The cub won’t have to worry about finding overhead bin space or dealing with a talkative seatmate on the 16-hour” と述べられており、飛行機に乗るパンダは1頭だけで、快適なフライトとなるよう工夫されていることが伺えます。(aqua)