venture into the lion’s den #2
Radiation level in Fukushima No. 2 reactor measured higher
The road to decommissioning Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant’s No. 2 reactor could be rockier than expected, as radiation levels on Feb. 9 were even deadlier than those recorded in late January.
Tokyo Electric Power Co. announced that day that radiation levels inside the reactor were estimated at up to 650 sieverts per hour, much higher than the record 530 sieverts per hour marked by the previous survey.
The plant operator made the latest estimate from the amount of camera noise experienced by the robot that ventured into the lion’s den that morning.
今回取り上げるのは,“venture into the lion’s den”という表現です。“lion’s den”は,直訳すると「ライオンのすみか,洞窟」などとなりますが,そこから転じて「危険な〔恐ろしい〕場所」を表しています(『ジーニアス英和辞典』大修館書店)。この表現はLDOCEでは,“if you go into the lion’s den, you go among people who are your enemies”と定義されていました。中国の後漢の書に「虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず」とあり、わたしたちも漢文でこれを習いますが、英語の発想と良く似ているのは不思議です。