meme #3
Taylor Swift did the Mannequin Challenge so it's over now
A meme goes through stages. First, it starts with someone who's more creative than you, then it takes over the regular people on the Internet, then the celebrities and politicians get involved, and then someone as big as Taylor Swift gives it a nice bookend.
Yes, T-Swift herself has taken the Mannequin Challenge, just like you and your family did at Thanksgiving. But unlike your version, hers was on a beach with her resident very beautiful and famous friends, including YouTube star Todrick Hall, models Martha Hunt, Lily Donaldson, and Leah McCarthy, and her little brother, Austin. They also dance at the end. Did YOU dance at the end?
See the frozen pop star for yourself.
今回取り上げるのはmeme /miːm/です。
LDOCEでは“a piece of video, a joke, or something else that spreads quickly on the Internet”と定義されています。
Oxford dictionaries.comによると“meme”という言葉は“imitated on the pattern of gene”という意味のギリシャ語の“mimèma”からきているそうです。