nest egg #2
記事の中で気になった表現は"nest egg"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)には「(1)(将来・万一に備えた) 貯金, たくわえ. (2)抱き卵, 擬卵」などという意味がありました。Oxford Dictionaries.comには"A sum of money saved for the future"と定義されております。日本でも政府が貯蓄から投資へというスローガンをもとに投資を促進する動きが出ております。投資をするしないはともかくとしてお金に関する知識を得ることは生活するうえでも重要だと思います。(Ume)
Be more squirrel: How to save £60,000 by the age of 40
It would be the perfect nest egg, and certainly enough for a deposit on your first house or flat.
Yet for most people, saving £60,000 looks to be well out of reach.
Indeed, as the BBC reported last month, 16 million people in the UK have savings of less than £100. In many parts of the country, such people are in the majority.
Some of those on low incomes say they do not earn enough to save anything.
But now campaigners are out to persuade them that the task of saving tens of thousands of pounds does not have to be as hard as one of the labours of Hercules.