Hillary Clinton, Mocking and Taunting in Debate, Turns the Tormentor
She mansplained him. “Let me translate that if I can,” Hillary Clinton said dryly after Donald J. Trump talked up his tax plan.
She interrupted him. When Mr. Trump boasted of the gilded Las Vegas hotel that bears his name, Mrs. Clinton leaned into her microphone. “Made with Chinese steel,” she quipped with a smile.
She mocked him. After Mr. Trump said President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia had “no respect” for her, Mrs. Clinton slyly posited why Mr. Putin seemingly preferred Mr. Trump: “He’d rather have a puppet as president of the United States,” she said.
“mansplained”を取り上げます。manとexplainを合わせたかばん語でここ数年前から使われ出したことばだとわかりました。Oxford Dictionaryによると“(of a man) explain (something) to someone, typically a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing.”と定義されています。「男性が女性に対して見下すように何かを説明する」という意味のようですが、ここではクリントン氏がトランプ氏に対して言ったもので、段落の始めはShe mansplained him. She interrupted him. She mocked him.とクリントン氏が圧倒的優位な立場に立っていることがわかりました。(lua)