常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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pipe up 復習


Mommy, the microwave oven is talking to me, giving me advice

You walk into the kitchen in the morning and find your microwave oven is talking to you.
“What about a fish dish, because you have been cooking meat dishes for some time?” it pipes up.
"Good idea," you respond. "Thanks Mr. Oven."
It's always there, that microwave, to give you advice.
An interactive microwave oven, soon to be released by Sharp Corp. under its Healsio brand, boasts artificial intelligence and speech recognition technologies.
It is able to memorize just how exactly you want that fish cooked.
And it can recommend dishes in accordance with available food ingredients, air temperature and other data, company officials say.
The microwave oven, to be released Sept. 8, is expected to cost about 180,000 yen ($1,730), excluding tax, and it will have a capacity of 30 liters.
Even when tasked with a vague question, such as, “What shall I make for dinner today?” and, “What could be made with pork and eggs?” your oven pal will refer to your cooking history and other data to make a quick decision and suggest the best recipe.
About a thousand recipes will initially be made available, with more to come. The microwave oven can also work in tandem with a smartphone.
Sharp is putting a lot of research into developing home electronics products that include AI and speech recognition features.
The company is also planning to develop new services that work in conjunction with supermarket fliers to alert one to cheap deals.
“We will be studying a new type of business where a microwave serves as a terminal device,” said Masahiro Okitsu, a member of Sharp’s executive board.


今回取り上げるのはpipe upです。

ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版、大修館書店)で確認すると「(略式)突然しゃべり出す」とあり、Oxford dictionaries.com.では“Say something suddenly”と定義されています。

