Don't limit stir-fry to flavors of Asia
Somewhere in the repertoire of every healthy-minded cook is a stir-fry. You chop up a bunch of veggies, cook them quickly at high heat, add meat or tofu, maybe a flavorful sauce or a sprinkle of chopped cashews or peanuts. Easy, healthy and versatile. And usually Asian in flavor profile.
But one day, I got to wondering: Why not try an unexpected flavor slant, such as Italian, southern French, Greek or Mexican? The plug-and-play skeleton of a typical stir-fry is just begging to be mixed up a bit. I love a cooking blueprint that grants me not just one dinner, but plenty of possibilities. With stir-fries being so healthy, due to their reliance on oodles of veggies, it’s a perfect model to expand beyond the tasty Asian box we have it in.
今回取り上げる表現は、 “plug-and-play”です。食べ物の話なのに、plugがでてきたので疑問に思いました。
『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版,大修館)によると、 “Plug and Play”で「[コンピュータ]プラグアンドプレイ〈機器をパソコン本体に接続すると認識・設定が自動的に行われるようにする規格〉」とのことでした。plug-and-playはそのハイフン形容詞です。
以上をふまえ文中の “The plug-and-play skeleton of a typical stir-fry is just begging to be mixed up a bit.”は、「典型的な炒め物の作り方を簡単に説明すると、少し混ぜるだけです。」といったような内容になるかと思います。