常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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Guide to Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo

Sushi Breakfast

Tsukiji is an ideal place to discover the local charm of old sushi and sashimi restaurants and indulge on a sushi-filled breakfast. Where can you eat good sushi around here? I’d say anywhere, since there is such an abundance of small or big counters serving up the fresh morsels of catch of that day.

However, if you are a gourmand and don’t mind lining up for a few hours in return for an outstanding meal, I’d recommend heading to Uogashi Yokocho in the inner market, that’s where the most popular small sushi-ya are lined up back-to-back. I had a fantastic sushi at Yamazaki sushi-ya which I would not hesitate to recommend and in fact have revisited the second time!

As a general tip, I highly recommend you arrive to the market at 7 a.m. and line up for sushi first. By 9 a.m. you should be done with your meal and will be able to head straight into the market across the street.

If you are not willing to wait in line at all or have a sit-down meal, then I recommend to browse the alleys of the outer market where you can sample a lot of snacks on the go, anything from grilled fish and meat on the skewers and delicious tamago to fresh oysters and uni straight from the shells!




Oxford Dictionary of English (Second Edition Reserved, Oxford University Press)によると、副詞の意味として” (of two people) facing in opposite directions with their backs touching”、そして” consecutively; in succession”とのことでした。

line upにback-to-backを加えることにより、より立て続けに店が並んでいる様子を表しているのだと思います。


back-to-back - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

back-to-back(回答) - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から