常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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nonproliferation 復習

米国オバマ大統領の広島訪問による, 日米間の新たな関係性が注目されています。

Obama to Be First Sitting President to Visit Hiroshima

WASHINGTON — President Obama will become the first sitting American president to visit Hiroshima, Japan, making a heavily symbolic stop this month at the site where the United States first used an atomic bomb at the end of World War II.


Mr. Obama’s record on nonproliferation is mixed. The New START agreement with Russia, ratified in 2010, limited the number of deployed strategic nuclear warheads to 1,550, and under the 2015 deal with Iran, the government there surrendered nearly all of its nuclear material. In addition, Mr. Obama’s annual Nuclear Security Summit meetings and other efforts succeeded in pulling bomb-grade nuclear fuel out of countries like Ukraine and Chile.

But the president’s push to modernize the American nuclear weapons stockpile by spending as much as $1 trillion over three decades could cause a new arms race, as even Mr. Obama has acknowledged. And with North Korea now believed to be able to mount a small nuclear warhead on missiles capable of hitting much of Japan and South Korea, and with Pakistan deploying small, tactical nuclear weapons that are seen as vulnerable to theft or misuse, the risks of a nuclear disaster may have actually worsened during his tenure.



本日取り上げる表現は “nonproliferation” です。

はじめに『新英和大辞典』(第五版, 研究社)を索引すると, 「1. 非増殖, 増殖停止 2. (核兵器の)拡散防止, 非拡散」とありました。 “ the ( nuclear ) nonproferation treaty” では「核拡散防止条約」を意味するそうです。

続いてMerriam-Webster.comには “providing for the stoppage of proliferation ( as of nuclear arms )” と定義されていました。

今回の “Mr. Obama’s record on nonproliferation is mixed.” という表現から, 「核兵器の非拡散」の考えは一国内の問題にとどまらず, 一筋縄ではいかない課題であることがうかがえます。(Cayu)
