常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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macabre remains


Is this hideous creature found dead in European mountain range the legendary blood-drinking Chupacabra?

Locals believe a hideous creature found dead in a European mountain range is the legendary Chupacabra.

Experts are struggling to identify the macabre remains of the 'mutant' animal, which was discovered in the Carpathian Mountains

It does not look like any known creature, according to Ukraine's TSN channel.

The mummified corpse appears to have several rows of teeth, four legs, a long tail and small, oval-shaped eyes.

It was found by a man walking through Kolomyja town, Ivano-Frankivsk region.

The man later said: "I was shocked by the number of teeth

"It is not a cat. Cats' teeth are different.

"I saw 3 or 4 rows here."

His wife added: "Just look at this. Such a horrible creature.


今回注目する表現は、”macabre remains”です。『ウィズダム英和辞典』(第3版、三省堂)を引いたところ、「気味の悪い、おどろおどろしい、死を連想させる」という意味が載っていました。”macaber”という綴り方もすると、辞書には載っていました。そして、”remain”の名詞の第2義には、「遺体、遺骨」という意味があります(『ウィズダム英和辞典』第3版、三省堂)。

なので、記事の内容は、「専門家は、突然変異体の気味の悪い死骸の特定に奮闘している。」と解釈できるでしょう。(Blue Sky)