常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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first penguin考


好評の朝の連続ドラマ「あさが来た」ですが,先週土曜日の回で,五代才助(友厚)が"The first penguin#という表現をヒロイン・あさに難局に立ち向かう姿勢を教示するときに出てきたのがこの表現。これはすでにわがブログでもUmeちゃんがふれていますが(そのときにはコメントはしませんでした),米国人でもあまり知らない表現だではないでしょうか。ネットで出てくるのはUmeちゃんが紹介したカーネギーメロン大学の故Randy Pausch教授の退官記念講演(2007年9月)にまつわる記事で,教授が世界に知らしめたのではないでしょうか(といって断言はできません。誰かOEDやそのほかを当たってくだされ)。明治の最初に五代がそんな表現を知っていたのか疑問に思いました。原作にもあるのでしょうか。





なにせ,明治5年に「薩摩辞書」(これもドラマに登場!でも装丁がおかしかった!)が出されて,はじめて「正音」のなんたるかについて,「暗闇であかりを見つけた」と,当時を物語る専門書には書かれており,あの万次郎ですら,かなりの母語干渉(L1 interference)があったことがその著作から窺えるほどです。


Be the First Penguin

The idea of the “first penguin” comes from the late Randy Pausch’s book The Last Lecture. Paush, a former professor at Carnegie Mellon, describes how he developed a “First Penguin Award” to reward students who took great risks in pursuing their goals, even though they met with failure. The title of the award comes from the notion that when penguins are about to jump into water that might contain predators, well, somebody’s got to be the first to jump. The First Penguin award is, in essence, a celebration of risk taking.


The Last Lecture is a New York Times best-selling book co-authored by Randy Pausch[1]—a professor of computer science, human-computer interaction, and design at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania—and Jeffrey Zaslow of the Wall Street Journal. The book was born out of a lecture Pausch gave in September 2007 entitled "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams".


What is the origin of the word 'penguin'?

The origin of penguin is still debated. The name originally applied to the great auk (now extinct) of the seas around Newfoundland in Canada, and may have come from the Welsh pen gwyn, meaning 'white head' (or a similar phrase in the Breton or Cornish languages). In the logbook of the Golden Hind, which sailed around the world in 1577–80, there is a reference to a 'foule, which the Welsh men name Pengwin' that was seen in the Magellan Straight at the tip of South America. The sailors on the expedition may have mistaken penguins for great auks, or simply applied a term they knew to an unfamiliar bird: the great auk resembled a penguin in that it was a large flightless bird with black and white plumage that was adapted to life in freezing waters.


