記事の中で気になった単語は"jubilant"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)によると「(成功などを祝って)歓喜にあふれる, 歓声にわく」などという意味がありました。ODには"Feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph"と定義されております。普通の喜びではなく,大喜びを示したい時に使う単語のようです。関連しているのか分かりませんが,"jubilee"という単語も「歓喜」を表すようです。ユダヤ教が50年ごとに行う祝賀からきている単語のようです。(Ume)
Canada election: Liberals sweep to power
The centrist Liberals, led by Justin Trudeau, started the campaign in third place but in a stunning turnaround now command a majority.
Mr Trudeau, the 43-year-old son of late Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, said Canadians had voted for real change.
Incumbent Conservative PM Stephen Harper accepted defeat and his party said he will step down as leader.
It was the longest campaign in Canada's history, and had been thought to be much closer.
Speaking after the polls closed, Mr Harper said he had already congratulated Mr Trudeau, saying the Conservatives would accept the results "without hesitation".
Addressing his jubilant supporters shortly afterwards, Mr Trudeau said that Canadians "sent a clear message tonight - it's time for a change".