blame game#3
記事の中で気になった表現は"blame game"です。SPACEALCによると「責任のなすり合い」という意味がありました。以前のブログでは,福島の原発事故の責任を巡って,この表現が使われております。今回は,MH17の墜落を巡って,ロシアとウクライナ側で責任のなすり合いを行っております。(Ume)
Flight MH17: Russia and its changing story
When a Dutch team revealed this week what caused the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 air disaster in eastern Ukraine, their inquiry steered clear of saying who fired the missile that brought the plane down, killing all 298 people on board.
But Russian officials immediately complained the inquiry was biased, keen to absolve the Moscow government of any blame.
And deep within the report, months of disagreement are revealed between the Russians and the Dutch Safety Board (DSB) in what soon resembles a blame game.
Under the rules of international crash investigations, the DSB has no authority to apportion blame, although board chairman Tjibbe Joustra said later that pro-Russian rebels had been in charge of the area from where the fateful missile was fired.