aftershock 復習
記事の中で気になった単語は"aftershock"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)によると「余震,(インフレ・災害などの)余波,影響」などという意味がありました。ODには"A smaller earthquake following the main shock of a large earthquak"と定義されております。本文には"tremor"という単語も出てきておりますが,こちらは"a small earthquake "でした。"aftershock"は「余震」なので,大きな地震の後に発生するその近くで発生する多数の地震であるのに対して,"tremor"は,威力の小さな地震のことを指すようです。(Ume)
Nepal earthquake: Rescue effort intensifies
Many countries and charities have offered aid to deal with the disaster.
Seventeen people have been killed on Mount Everest by avalanches - the mountain's worst-ever disaster.
Meanwhile a powerful aftershock was felt on Sunday in Kathmandu, Delhi and Dhaka, Bangladesh, and another avalanche was reported near Everest.
The death toll from the original earthquake could rise, as the situation is unclear in remote areas which remain cut off or hard to access.
Many mountain roads are cracked or blocked by landslides.