常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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韓国警察がセウォル号のオーナーが所有する教会の捜索を行うために6,000人もの警察官を動員しているという記事です。オーナーは未だに逃亡を続けており,何らかの手がかりを得るための行動であると考えられます。記事の名で気になった単語は"embezzlement"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版(三省堂)』によると「横領,着服,使い込み」という意味があります。Oxford Dictionariesで"embezzle"を引くと"Steal or misappropriate (money placed in one’s trust or belonging to the organization for which one works)"とあります。特に組織のお金を使い込むときに指す言葉ですね。(Ume)

S Korea ferry police target Yoo Byung-eun in huge raid

President Park Geun-Hye this week urged police and prosecutors to step up a nationwide manhunt for Mr Yoo.

"Yoo must be brought to justice," Ms Park said.

Mr Yoo is wanted as part of an ongoing investigation into embezzlement and tax fraud.

Investigators are also questioning whether corruption or mismanagement within the ferry company led to poor safety standards.

Mr Yoo, 74, a leading religious figure, is believed to own the Chonghaejin Marine company that operated the sunken ferry.
