常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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N.Korea promises fresh probe into abduction cases

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe says North Korea has agreed to reinvestigate the fate of Japanese nationals abducted by the North.

Abe briefed reporters on Thursday evening on the results of the latest round of intergovernmental meetings between Japan and North Korea that ended on Wednesday in Sweden.

The prime minister said the North Korean delegation promised to conduct a comprehensive, full-scale probe into all abduction cases involving Japanese nationals, including missing persons who may have been abducted.

Abe said that North Korea will set up a special investigation panel and that the country will launch a reinvestigation as agreed.

He said that the resolution of the abduction issue is one of the top priorities of his administration.

Abe said the government has been working hard with a sense of resolve that its mission will never be completed until relatives of all abduction victims can again hold their loved ones in their arms.

Abe expressed hope that the agreement with North Korea will be the first step toward achieving that goal.

