in question
気になった単語は”in question”です。”question”があるからといって「疑問」という訳で考えるとわかならくなります。『Wisdom英和辞典(第三版)』で調べると「当該の,話題にしている」というものがありました。”in”が前置詞となることにより”question”の対象を示していることになるのですね。(Ume)
By far the most common form of crowdfunding is called "reward crowdfunding". Under this model people give a company money in exchange for a reward or perk, such as being among the first to secure delivery of a new product.
The main alternative is called "equity crowdfunding", by which individuals buy a stake in the company in question.
The guitar firm playing a new fundraising tune
At present in the US, equity crowdfunding is only open to wealthy, accredited investors, people who have proved that they are worth at least $1m.
The US financial watchdog - the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) - currently bans the rest of the population from taking part in equity crowdfunding.