常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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lock box account

米資産運用会社 MRIインターナショナルが客から預かった資金を消失した問題で、同社が顧客に対しと虚偽の説明をしていたことが分かりました。監視委は、同社が顧客の信用を高めるため「出資金は第三者機関の名義で開設された口座で管理している」と嘘の宣伝文句で騙し、架空の第三者機関があるように装っていたとみて調べています。

この「開設された口座」にあたるのがlock box account「私書箱口座」です。(UG)

MRI gave false explanation about fund management to clients

U.S. asset management firm MRI International Inc., which is suspected of mishandling clients' funds, gave false explanations that their funds were to be managed safely in a special account under U.S. banking law, some clients and other parties involved said Saturday.

According to its brochures for investors, the Nevada-based company said clients' funds were to be put in a "lock box account" opened at major U.S. bank Wells Fargo and that the funds were safe as they could be used only for trading "MARS," a securitization product based on medical institutions' claims on insurance companies.

The suspected mishandling of funds is believed to have resulted in losses totaling more than 130 billion yen.
