stoned driver
あまり覚えてほしくない表現ですが,ここのstonedとあのstoneとは関係はありません。こちらの方は「 (麻薬)でハイになって,飛んでしまって」もしくは「(アルコールなどに)酔っぱらって」という意味の俗語です。
米国の歌手 Bob Dylan(知らないだろうな...)に"Rainy Day Women #12 & 35"という歌があって,その歌詞 "Everybody must get stoned."が,「みんな石つぶてを受けなければならない」と訳されて,誰も異論を唱えない平和な時代がありました。しかし,これは「麻薬でハイになる体験をすべきだ」(get stoned)という過激なメッセージでした。(UG)
Herb fueled driver smashes Porsche into 5 cars
A stoned driver was arrested for injuring five people after crashing his luxury car into five other vehicles in Nakano district, Tokyo.
The 41-year-old company employee, Takehiro Kashima, confessed to police that he had been smoking herb before the crash. Kashima was driving his Porsche in Nakano area when he crashed into five moving cars and injured five people.
According to the police, Kashima continued to accelerate even after his car had driven over a curve. During the investigation, Kashima maintained that he had no memory of the crash due to the emotional shock and that he had smoked herbs.