常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

elements (回答)

Serial tree killer on the loose in 5 prefectures
The So-Kawachi Daimei Shrine in Ehime Prefecture sits in the tiny remote village of Namegawa nestled in the mountainous outskirts of Toon city. It is home to a pair of sacred hinoki (Japanese cypress) trees each over 500 years old.
In September, strange holes were found around the base of their trunks and substantial withering was taking place throughout the trees. A subsequent police investigation found traces of chemical used an “arboricide” or tree poison.
After long consideration, the shrine determined on Dec 26 that the considerably weakened trees posed a risk of collapse and needed to be cut down.
The day before, the head priest and townspeople held a ritual to pray for the safe removal of the trees. The priest gave a Shinto prayer known as a norito to thank the trees for their protection of the shrine from the elements for so many years.


elementは複数形のelementsですと「元素、要素、成分」といった意味がまず想起されますが、the elementsというように複数形に冠詞がつくと「(風・雨・寒さなどの)」自然力、風雨、悪天候」という意味『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第4版、大修館書店)と「(学問の)初歩;(芸術・科学などの)基本、原理」という意味(ibid)があります。
LDOCEにはthe elements"the weather, especially bad wheathr"という定義とthe elements of〜で"the most simple things that you have to learn first about a subject"と定義されています。この事からもこ文脈、形を考えた時、「自然の猛威」という事になりますでしょうか。(EnDough)