常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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Lochte couldn't hold the lead, like a closer blowing a save in the World Series. The USA took silver in the 4x100-meter relay — and the French came from behind to win gold, itself a role reversal from Beijing.
There's no way to know what Lochte was thinking, as he didn't say much after. He did allow that he was "bummed."
Phelps wasn't. He wore a satisfied smile. It had been so long since he'd needed to come back from a bad Olympic swim that no one knew if he could.
His swim a night earlier in the 400 individual medley was, by his description, "horrible." He failed to medal in an Olympic race for the first time since 2000, when he was 15. His tally since: 14 gold, two bronze and one legend.