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Ghosn likely paid 1 billion yen in FY11
The Yomiuri Shimbun

Nissan Motor Co. President Carlos Ghosn is likely to have become the first president of a domestically listed company to be paid more than 1 billion yen in one year.

According to the information released by the company Tuesday, the total amount of compensation packages paid to nine executives on its board of directors in fiscal 2011 was 1.75 billion yen, up 4.4 percent from the previous year.

The figures suggest Ghosn, who received 982 million yen in fiscal 2010, is likely to have earned more than 1 billion yen in fiscal 2011 through his package, which includes executive salary and bonuses.

The package's details will be revealed at the company's annual general shareholders meeting on June 26.

Its amount for fiscal 2011 is based on the firm's business performance in fiscal 2010.


これはannual compensation packageの略で、給与(salary)、賞与(bonus)、株式(stock)から成る会社役員に対する「年俸諸特典」のことです。ゴーン社長はstock optionはしなかったそうですが、それでも...。やれやれです。(UG)